Update History

The following dates show the update history for Uncrowned Kings. An iteration is the name given to an update that involves changes to at least one of the database files.

Iteration 1: 07.04.97 (dd.mm.yy)

Iteration 2: 14.04.97

Iteration 3: 20.04.97

Iteration 4: 27.04.97

Iteration 5: 04.05.97

Iteration 6: 01.06.97

Iteration 7: 07.06.97

Iteration 8: 15.06.97

Iteration 9: 22.06.97

Iteration 10: 05.07.97

Iteration 11: 12.07.97

Iteration 12: 20.07.97

Iteration 13: 02.08.97

Iteration 14: 16.08.97

Iteration 15: 30.08.97 (add hypermoderns)

Iteration 16: 14.09.97

Iteration 17: 11.10.97

Iteration 18: 18.10.97

Iteration 19: 02.11.97

Iteration 20: 17.11.97

Iteration 21: 21.11.97

Iteration 22: 22.11.97

Iteration 23: 29.11.97

Iteration 24: 04.12.97

Iteration 25: 07.12.97

Iteration 26: 31.12.97

Iteration 27: 20.01.98

Iteration 28: 04.03.98

Iteration 29: 14.03.98 (add British champions)

Iteration 30: 17.03.98

Iteration 31: 28.03.98

Iteration 32: 05.04.98 (Sir George Thomas)

Iteration 33: 11.04.98

Iteration 34: 18.06.98

Iteration 35: 25.06.98 (Mir Sultan Khan)

Iteration 36: 28.06.98 (BL db-17)

Iteration 37: 14.07.98 (Yates db-5, BL db-18)

Iteration 38: 31.07.98 (Move to Demon)

Iteration 39: 02.08.98 (Grünfeld, Réti, Thomas, Yates)

Iteration 40: 03.09.98 (Yates db-7, BL db-19)

Iteration 41: 24.09.98 (Hypermoderns)

Iteration 42: 25.10.98 (Korchnoi)

Iteration 43: 30.11.98 (Korchnoi)

Iteration 44: 25.01.99 (Thomas)

Iteration 45: 01.03.99 (Yates, Korchnoi)

Iteration 46: 30.05.99 (BL db-20)

Iteration 47: 04.06.99 (Rubinstein)

Iteration 48: 19.12.99 (Korchnoi)

Iteration 49: 31.03.00 (Yates)

Iteration 50: 21.06.00 (Nimzowitsch corrections + 2 new)

Iteration 51: 27.06.00 (Nimzowitsch corrections)

Iteration 52: 16.09.00 (Breyer, Réti plus corrections to Nimzowitsch database)

Iteration 53: 24.01.01 (Corrections to Nimzowitsch db)

Iteration 54: 28.01.01 (Corrections to Nimzowitsch db)

Iteration 55: 07.03.01 (Atkins, Thomas)

Iteration 56: 08.03.01 (Atkins)

Iteration 57: 19.06.01 (Larsen db-21)

Iteration 58: 29.10.01 (CBLight conversion, Fazekas)

Iteration 59: 02.11.01 (Alexander)

Iteration 60: 03.11.01 (Winter)

Iteration 61: 21.12.01 (Keres db, date input ~ 25%)

Iteration 62: 06.01.02 (Korchnoi)

Iteration 63: 03.02.02 (Nimzo db complies with Per Skjoldager errata list)

Iteration 64: 04.09.02 (Sir George Thomas)

Iteration 65: 29.12.02 (Breyer, Réti)

Iteration 66: 08.01.03 (Grünfeld)

Iteration 67: 12.01.03 (Tartakower, Thomas, Yates)

Iteration 68: 05.12.03 (Thomas corrections)

Iteration 69: 29.01.04 (Grünfeld corrections)

Iteration 70: 04.08.04 (Grünfeld gallery)

Iteration 71: 17.11.04 (Update galleries)

Iteration 72: 10.02.05 (Nimzo db minor corrections. Update Official World Champions page)

Iteration 73: 10.11.09 (Sir George Thomas)

Iteration 74: 16.11.09 (Atkins)

Iteration 75: 17.11.09 (Alexander and Winter databases comply with John Saunder's errata list)

Iteration 76: 12.02.10 (Alexander database - deduplicate and improve data held for games from the 1950s)

Iteration 77: 08.07.10 (Keres database - date corrections)

Iteration 78: 22.10.10 (Atkins database improvements and additions)

Iteration 79: 01.02.12 (Nimzowitsch database additions and corrections)

Iteration 80: 03.02.12 (Nimzowitsch database additions)

  18.02.12 (Nimzowitsch database changes following BCM article. Credit: Per Skjoldager for providing proof re. Alapin miniature from 1914.)

  07.06.12 (Update Official World Champions page)

  23.10.12 (Update GB Champions page)

  06.12.13 (Update Official World Champions page)


Copyright 2013 © Philip Hughes. All rights reserved.